Ventilation is the key to a long lasting roof system.
Poor ventilation causes a roof shingles to curl, plywood to buckle, and it is also possible to create mold. Please call us today for a free estimate to better ventilate your home.
Solutions to poor ventilation:
- Add additional vents to the roof and vents to the soffit
- Properly ventilate your cathedral ceilings
- Add a solar power vent to remove excessive heat and moisture
- Extend your bath vents to ventilate outside of the roof and not into the attic
Fact: Adding 1 solar powered attic vent can save a homeowner over $1000.00 or more per year. Why?
- A solar vent is solar and is not running off electricity that can cost $350.00 per year to run a regular power vent.
- Your air conditioner is not running as much because it is not as hot in your house and attic. It will make your up stairs cooler.
- The cost of the fan is a tax write off.
- With the proper ventilation your roof will last longer then without proper ventilation. The price of asphalt continues to go up and this is what shingles are made of. A total roof replacement can be expensive. Why not make your roof last longer?
Please call me for a free estimate today. 630.548.6105